Imam Ali’s Sayings on Hopes Part 1

2021.07.30 - 08:49
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Hope is sufficient as a deception.

Increased aspirations stem from corruption of the intellect.

For every hope there is a delusion.

Hopes never end.

Hope causes death to be forgotten.

Aspirations are incentives for men.

Hope is the veil of death.

There is no end to hope.

Hope is an intimate companion.

Hope is a cheater, deceiver and harmer.
Hope corrupts [ones actions] and wastes [ones] lifetime.

Aspirations blind the eyes of insight.
Aspirations beguile you, and in the presence of reality, they abandon you.

Verily I am fighting against my hopes and waiting for my death.

Verily you will not reach what you hope for and will never surpass death, so be conscious of Allah and be moderate in your desires.

If you are deceived by hopes, you will surely be annihilated by the fast approaching death and will have lost [the opportunity to perform] good deeds.

The bane of hopes is the coming of death.

The bane of hope is death.

With the realization of hopes,  it becomes easier to overcome [ones] fears.

The worst habit is hoping [for too much] as it wastes ones lifetime and causes one to lose [the opportunity to perform good] deeds.
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