Imam Ali’s Sayings on Generosity

2023.08.17 - 02:13
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Generosity for the sake of Allah is the worship of those who are close [to Allah].

Generosity without fear or hope of recompense is true generosity.

Give generously and you will be honoured.The most generous of you is the one who will gain the most.

The most excellent of noble traits is generosity.

Give generously and you will be honoured.

The most generous of you is the one who will gain the most.

The most excellent of noble traits is generosity.

The best generosity is to forgive after gaining the upper hand.

The greatest generosity is being open-handed with whatever is available.

The greatest generosity is delivering the rights to their [rightful] owners.

The greatest generosity is giving despite [facing] hard times.

Generosity is [true] leadership, sovereignity is [only] administration.

Generosity is present honour.

Generosity is the protector of honour.

The bane of generosity is poverty.

The bane of generosity is wastefulness.

Throught generosity, authority is acquired.

Generosity stems from nobility of character.

Through generosity, men gain authority.

Through generosity, distinction is established and praise is acquired.

Be generous with whatever you have, [and] you will be praised.

Be generous and you will gain authority; be patient and you will be triumphant.

The generosity of the poor is the best generosity.

Be generous with what is available, fulfill your promises and be loyal with the trusts [that have been entrusted to you].

The generosity of a poor person dignifies him and the stinginess of a rich person debases him.

Be generous with that which perishes and you will be compensated for it with that which lasts.

Be generous for the sake of Allah and struggle against your selves in obedience to Him. He will [in return] magnify your reward and increase His favour upon you.

Generosity is the practice of he honourable.

The highest exent of generosity is giving [from] whatever is available.

One who is open-handed does good to others.

One who is generous gains authority.

One who does not show generosity is not praised.

How excellent is generosity when in straighttened circumstances.

One who does not give generously while he is praised has to give away while he is dispraised.

One who does not give generoly does not gain authority.

The generosity of a man endears him to his rivals and his stinginess makes him hated by his [own] children.

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