The unique character of Imam Ali (AS)

2023.05.03 - 04:05
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Madame Dieulafoy, a French explorer, says, “The respect for Ali (AS) among Shia reach its maximum point and of course it must be the same, because this great man, in addition to the wars and sacrifices that has been made for the development of Islam, in knowledge, virtues, justice and good traits was unexampled and left behind a pure and holy generation. His descendants also were oppressed and martyred for the development of Islam. Imam Ali (AS) is the one who broke all the idols which were deemed the partners of Allah by Arabs and promoted Unification and Monotheism. Ali was the one whose actions and behaviors were fair to all Muslims. Ali (as) was someone who had definite menace and promise.”

In continuing of this discussion, the Christian Madame Dieulafoy, addressing herself, says, “Cry My eyes! And blend your tears with my sighs and groans! And mourn for the descendants of the Prophet (S) who were oppressed martyrs.”

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