From the words of Imam Ali (PBUH) about the Holy Quran (1)

2020.10.19 - 03:08
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 In Nahj al-Balaghah, Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, stated“That is the Quran, interrogate it, I tell you about it, but in it there is knowledge of what is to come, talks about the past, the medicine of your disease, and the regulations of what is between each others.”
The explanation for this is that whoever described by the Messenger of Allah as “the gate of the city of knowledge” tells people that “the Quran contains stories from what has gone before in the history of mankind, it contains daps of what will come to man in this world and in the hereafter, and it contains an ethical treatment for the disease of eternal man, which is the tendency towards every fault. It reflects the following quote: “Indeed, the soul is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except those upon which Allah has mercy.” and in the interpretation of the Imam’s saying also, that the Qur’an contains the doctrinal basis for the ethics of man in his relationship with others in an ideal way. The words "Organize what are among you" are sufficient to understand that the Quran contains among its folds the ideals that every person must learn, understand and practice to become "a complete human in his dealings with his fellow."
As for the Imam’s saying, “I am telling you about it,” it contains all the tragedies of human history. If there is a crowd around the Imam who are aware of what this great person is saying, realizes the importance and greatness of what he means by saying this, then they would be educated by this wise man, and the people of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Levant at that time in history become a multitude of wise men and the best of mankind. However there are millions of examples of the perfect person whom Allah wanted to inherit the earth and to be his caliphate over it.
But tribal nervousness, human ambitions, and the dreams of the emperors prevented the crowd of demagogues and the wisest men, so the crowd sided against Ali, peace be upon him, and prevented him from spreading knowledge and wisdom in the hearts of millions of people in the time of major transformations. If these people did not deviate from their natural path to receive falsehood from Muawiyah and tribulations from him and others, the Imam would be able to build in the souls of people structures of goodness, piety, knowledge, wisdom and philosophy. This is what the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, brought from the Lord of the worlds with the Qur’an and its meanings and interpretation that he taught to the son of Abi Talib, peace be upon him.
In addition there’s in the biography, according to its book, from the Sunnis and the Jamaa, what is recorded as Allah’s argument on people that they know the value of Ali, but they did not learn from him.
On the other hand the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Ali is with the Qur’an and the Qur’an with Ali, they will not separate until the basin is returned to me." The source (the prospect of the ruler of Nisaburi),
Likewise, the Noble Messenger (PBUH) said: “You (O Ali) make clear to my nation what they disagreed about after me.” (The concealed source of Nisaburi).
Also Ibn Abi Al-Hadid Al-Mutazili wrote the same in his book Sharh Nahj al-Balagha 13/210, and in realizing the truth 4/118, and the same witness is mentioned in the book Al-Mawaddah by Al-Qundusi 1/239.
And it was mentioned in the Book of “Alaa al-Rahman fi Tafsir al-Qur’an”, Part 4, p. 38, and al-Fihrist, p. 48 that, “Amir al-Muminin, the writer of revelation, and the trustee of the Messenger of Allah on the Book of Allah, writes and memorizes every letter the Messenger speaks and asks the Prophet about the interpretation of each verse and that he said, “Every verse he revealed to Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers be upon him and his family, and peace be upon me, by dictating the Messenger of Allah and my handwriting.”
It was narrated that of Al-Asbagh bin Nabata said:
When Amir al-Muminin Ali (PBUH)had been recognized as a caliph, he went out to the mosque and said: Inquire me go before you lose me because I swear to Allah, I know the Qur’an and its interpretation from every claimant of his knowledge, so I swear to whom had dispelled the seed and released the breeze, if you asked me about a verse, I would tell you when it was revealed and why it was revealed.
Source: Hilyat Al-Awliya, Part 1, page 67, Ansab Al-Ashraf, Part 1, p. 99, and Introduction to Tafsir Al-Burhan

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